Tuesday, October 29, 2019

My Experience Working on Two Horror Films

Hello today blog is about my experience working my scary short 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   so I made short scar y story. It was a very fun project to work on to show my creative mind I've been waiting to finally make a horror film and edit so it was the perfect timing. So first what I did was download the clips that were giving to me then I hop onto Final cut I already had my idea I wanted a suspenseful short film where you don't know what is going to happen if there's a jumpscare. I also wanted a very creepy old school type vibe going into this film. Since this is my first ever solo scary short I wanted it to be perfect no mistakes I wanted everything to be on point and just give you chills. The process was very simple but very long it took about a week to finish the whole thing. The first thing I did was get my idea then I got the clips I wanted to use and I also downloaded extra clips. Then id made sure everything was timed perfectly I also had to keep making changes to the clips somewhere just too long and it made me lose interest so that made a changeable how could i make a horror film that's very suspenseful all the way from the start and keep people attention so I decided to make the clips shorter and make the transaction shorter then I had to adjust the music to make sure the timing was perfect then I had to make an intro I wanted to fool people into thinking that my scary short wasn't gonna be scary. Then I had some of my classmates react to it and they all didn't want to watch to the end and all got scared in the end I even got the same person twice lol. All in all, this was a very fun project to work on and is one of my favorite projects I worked on so far.                                             


  1. That was really good. Very spooky with the jack in the box music.

  2. This video makes me understand just how twisted Annabelle is from what she's viewing. I would like to hear her heartbeat throughout the entire clip. This is the best use of a build up and then jump at the end. Nice job!
