Saturday, October 5, 2019

7 tips to Get Ready for Basketball Tryouts

  1. Be in shape: go on walks, jog, take other sports, so that you can stay fit.

    1. Eat healthy foods. Don’t always eat junk food. Make sure you eat fruits, crabs, protein drink milk and water.
    2. Dancing can help with footwork which is important in most sports.

    3. Having a good sleep schedule sleep is important for everything especially for sports. You don’t want to be tired during tryouts. Coaches look for that and will spot it.

    4. Keep your grades up you can have all the skills you want but the coaches usually look at grades and some
      Coaches don’t play about grades and will cut you if you don’t get your grades together so always be on your grades. Also if you want to play pro ball you need to have pretty good grades.
    5. Work on your basketball skills practices everyday, dribbling, watch highlights, and take notes.

    6. Do your best at the end of the day. If you don’t give 100 percent you’re never gonna get anywhere. But if you try your hardest you have a good chance of making the team. Visit back for more posts and please leave comments below.


    1. hypocrite asf. You eat doodoo food, and ik you dont sleep enough smhhh

    2. great tips and good for people interested
