Tuesday, October 29, 2019


My Experience Working on Two Horror Films

Hello today blog is about my experience working my scary short 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   so I made short scar y story. It was a very fun project to work on to show my creative mind I've been waiting to finally make a horror film and edit so it was the perfect timing. So first what I did was download the clips that were giving to me then I hop onto Final cut I already had my idea I wanted a suspenseful short film where you don't know what is going to happen if there's a jumpscare. I also wanted a very creepy old school type vibe going into this film. Since this is my first ever solo scary short I wanted it to be perfect no mistakes I wanted everything to be on point and just give you chills. The process was very simple but very long it took about a week to finish the whole thing. The first thing I did was get my idea then I got the clips I wanted to use and I also downloaded extra clips. Then id made sure everything was timed perfectly I also had to keep making changes to the clips somewhere just too long and it made me lose interest so that made a changeable how could i make a horror film that's very suspenseful all the way from the start and keep people attention so I decided to make the clips shorter and make the transaction shorter then I had to adjust the music to make sure the timing was perfect then I had to make an intro I wanted to fool people into thinking that my scary short wasn't gonna be scary. Then I had some of my classmates react to it and they all didn't want to watch to the end and all got scared in the end I even got the same person twice lol. All in all, this was a very fun project to work on and is one of my favorite projects I worked on so far.                                             

Saturday, October 5, 2019

7 tips to Get Ready for Basketball Tryouts

  1. Be in shape: go on walks, jog, take other sports, so that you can stay fit.

    1. Eat healthy foods. Don’t always eat junk food. Make sure you eat fruits, crabs, protein drink milk and water.
    2. Dancing can help with footwork which is important in most sports.

    3. Having a good sleep schedule sleep is important for everything especially for sports. You don’t want to be tired during tryouts. Coaches look for that and will spot it.

    4. Keep your grades up you can have all the skills you want but the coaches usually look at grades and some
      Coaches don’t play about grades and will cut you if you don’t get your grades together so always be on your grades. Also if you want to play pro ball you need to have pretty good grades.
    5. Work on your basketball skills practices everyday, dribbling, watch highlights, and take notes.

    6. Do your best at the end of the day. If you don’t give 100 percent you’re never gonna get anywhere. But if you try your hardest you have a good chance of making the team. Visit back for more posts and please leave comments below.

    Friday, October 4, 2019

    What happens at a Basketball Try-Out

    Well, you’re finally here!
    The Big Day Tryouts!
    This is where you show off all that hard work you put in and your first trial.

    What you should expect is a lot of pushing, yelling and a lot of work so if you’re a snowflake then you might as well leave or get used to.

    Now every coach is different so I can’t tell you everything in order but in my past three years with two different coaches I can say that these are the things we do:

    • The first thing we usually do is laps around the gym for about 5 minutes (not joking)
    • After that we do warm-ups.
    • Last year we signed up to be on JV or Varsity (I'm not sure if every coach does that).
    • Then we get put into groups. JV and Varsity do layup drills.
    • Then we do a game called the number game. Basically, the coach will give you a number in order like forex. 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4 then you wait for your number to be called. After your number is called the coach throws the ball and the first team to score wins.
    • Then we do defense drills for 10 minutes.
    • Then we do suicides; a series of running drills.
    • Then we do dribbling drills.
    • Finally, we go home and wait to see the results on Monday.

    Feel free to leave comments or any questions you have. Thank you!

    How I got on the Arts Basketball Team

    Hi, my name is Kaleab Jarrett. I’m a junior at the Buffalo Arts Academy and a Varsity player on the Arts basketball team. I wanted to talk about my experience on this team. Let’s go way back to my 8th-grade year when I was a student at Lydia T Wright. I thought I was ready to play on a basketball team so I went to tryouts and I did terribly. I couldn’t make shots, do layups, dribble; I was a mess but I still had hope that I could make it on the team. Well I didn’t, and I'm not gonna lie it hurt but I used that hurt to push myself to become better.

    Every day after school I would go outside and practice my layups, jump shot, and dribbling. I would watch Kobe, Curry, Lebron, Harden, KD and many other players. I would slowly practice their moves, learn them and use them against other people.

    Then I had a big growth spurt. I was 5’5 going into 8th grade and grew to 5’10 by the time entering 9th grade. The height definitely helps with basketball ( you don’t need to be tall to be good at basketball btw).
    Kaleab, Jayquan, Corey - First Day Wearing JV Jerseys

    Steph Curry

    James Harden
    Anyway, I just kept practicing and picked up lacrosse, which helped my strength and speed. Then I had another growth spurt and now I'm 6’3.

    Going into high school is hard especially when you’re trying out for a new team in which you have no experience knowing what being on a team feels like. Tryouts came and I did my best. I did everything I was told; I made layups and my jump shot was hitting everything. I practiced, and everything I did paid off and I made the team.

    My first day of being on the new team, I must say, was very fun and funny meeting new people with the same hobby and dreams. This made me want to go even further but I must say it wasn’t easy. My first year of basketball, we didn’t win a game and it kinda woke me up a little. If my best wasn’t enough and if my best was my all, then I was in trouble. Knowing that, I pushed myself even harder.

    My sophomore year came and once again I made the team but I was soon to realize I was starting. I was the only big man so I had a big task to pull we didn’t really have a bench so I had to play full quarters with no break at times. I used to wonder, why this is so hard? But then I realized this is what I wanted so I didn’t complain. We finished the year with a winning record of 6-5, then I was pulled to varsity for the playoffs.

    I was just excited to finally be making it. If you would have told me in 8th grade that I would be 6’3 with a starting spot on the basketball team I wouldn’t believe you. But that shows you that if you push yourself you can do great things and I plan to keep pushing myself until I become the best player I can be.

    If you have any question please feel free to comment